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Our Story

In 2015, Joseph Leggett's eyes were opened to the devastating realities of domestic minor sex trafficking during an eye-opening conference. As CEO of Falcon Children's Home and Family Services, he felt a profound calling to provide rescue and restoration for exploited youth. 

The calling intensified after the life of a former Falcon resident was tragically cut short due to exploitation and substance abuse. How many other souls had suffered in silence under their care?


A Journey of Restoration

In 2020, Leggett crossed paths with Michael and Abbie Arena, a couple devoted to serving trafficking survivors. They recognized the timing in their connection and began crafting a vision to offer long-term, holistic care.

Though the global pandemic threatened delays, their path remained illuminated through the rental of an ideal 8-bedroom property in 2021 - a secure, nurturing space to cultivate Magnolia Hope. After a year of purposeful preparation, staffing, and licensing, the home welcomed its first residents in June 2022.

group dinner

Since then, Magnolia Hope has embraced survivors ages 11-18 from across North Carolina into its family-style residential program. Through trauma-informed counseling, education, life skills, and spiritual nourishment, each young woman is guided to healing and recover from the atrocities of exploitation.

The name "Magnolia" represents the refined, resilient beauty waiting to blossom in each survivor. "Hope" reflects the new purpose and future this ministry aims to instill in place of brokenness.

Our History

Magnolia Hope provides a safe and sacred place where young lives are led from heartbreak to wholeness through the transformative power of restoration. Learn more about the sex trafficking epidemic.


Founding idea


Michael and Abbie Arena join the program

April 2021

Efforts begin to launch the residential program

May 2022

Licensed by the State of North Carolina

June 2022

First client/resident


Our story continues – join the fundraising efforts to open a second house.

Our Care

We surround each survivor with care and educational resources to lift them out of darkness and into the light.
Building trust makes space for transformations. 



Ensuring safety, building trust, assessments



Trauma therapies, counseling, life skills



Education, career guidance, reintegration

Survivor's Poem

My innocence stolen by the Game

Made me grown in a fast time-frame  

Playing with my dolls, I was just a child

Now forced to survive this so called lifestyle

I was twelve making plays to keep my pimp kind

Knowing that if I didn’t I would be put in a bind

Night after night, snorting line after line

Tryin’ to keep it all together knowing my heart’s not fine

Play after play I’ve grown cold 

Having nothing to call my own

Years fly by, still stuck in this game 

Caught in endless daydreamin wonderin’ if others are living the same

Everything of mine was took by this crook

Preying on my youth he controlled my every move 

He knew my vulnerabilities, knowing what I needed to hear

“Good job kid” made me cry real tears

Pulling on my heart, had me thinking unclear

Darkened my heart with many fears 

Had one wish for my sweet sixteen 

To be free from this life and forever be clean

My wish came true and I finally escaped the game

By loving people willing to give me their name

My life has changed, choosing the REAL LIFE

I know I’ll never be the same

-Anonymous Magnolia Hope Resident